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Just about made it!

Posted on Mon Jul 5th, 2021 @ 11:05am by

Mission: The Departure
Location: USS Eminence

{Spacedock Main Concourse}

Lieutenant Maddie Maguire shoved through another crowd of people. She was late boarding the Eminence and now it looked like it was departing spacedock without her! She gasped as gazed through the corridor window and saw the saber-class vessel back away from the docking clamps and begin the slow journey towards the spacedock doors.

She was now mere minutes away from missing her newest posting. There would be no way that Admiral Star would allow a crew member to join the ship once it had gone into warp. She gulped hard and turned back towards the spacedock’s main transporter room.

{Transporter Room}

Panting heavily, Maddie ran onto one of the dozens of transporter padds. “Get me over… to the Eminence… now!” She pleaded as she tried catching her breath. The Bolian transporter chief smiled and nodded in acknowledgement. Maddie felt her body dematerialise in a blue sparkly haze.

{Admiral Star’s Office}

Maddie materialised inside the small room and looked around. This definitely wasn’t the Eminence’s transporter room. She looked at the man sat behind the desk and her eyes widened with horror as she realised it was Admiral Charles Star.

The man hadn’t even looked up from his desk at this point. He only sighed quietly and asked, “Which ship?”

Maddie blinked, “The, uh… Eminence, sir.”

“This is always happening…” Star mumbled as he reached into his desk, “… damn Bolian transport chief…” He placed the small circular metal object (which was no bigger than a button) onto his PADD and appeared to programme the item with something. “This is a remote transporter beacon,” he threw the metal object towards Maddie, “Double tap it and you’ll be on the Eminence. Good day, Lieutenant.”

Maddie caught the object and placed it on her chest. Without another thought she double tapped it. Again, she felt herself dematerialise in a blue sparkly haze.

{USS Eminence}

Maddie materialised in the Eminence’s transporter room, much to the surprise of the transporter chief.

“Lieutenant Maguire, reporting for duty.”

Lieutenant Maddie Maguire
Chief Operations Officer
USS Eminence


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